The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BLCCJ) is a trusted non-profit business & networking organization made by and for business people with a strong interest in Belgium, Luxembourg and Japan.
We are:
- a Board of up to 14 Directors from various backgrounds and experiences
- a permanent office with multilingual staff
- offering a wide range of events and services
- maintaining close and longstanding cooperation with the embassies and regional trade offices
- a founding and active member of the European Business Council in Japan (EBC)
- maintaining good relations with Japanese business and governmental organizations
- an active part of larger Chamber networks in Japan and abroad

Since its foundation in 1978, the BLCCJ has been connecting Belgium, Luxembourg and Japan, fostering economic, commercial and networking interests between the 3 countries.
Our aims & objectives are very clear:
- to promote and support commercial activities between Belgium, Luxembourg and Japan
- to increase the awareness of Belgium & Luxembourg in Japan
- to provide an active networking environment
The BLCCJ is administered by a Board of 9 to 14 Directors, elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Directors appoint amongst themselves a President, 1 or 2 Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, and a Secretary-General. Their term of office is 2 years. The BLCCJ office is run by a full-time General Manager fluent in English, Japanese, Dutch and French, and an Executive Assistant fluent in Japanese and English.
List of Board Members 2024-2025
Fabrice Tilot (Triple-A Management Co., Ltd.) President
Kazumasa Imoto (Solvay Special Chem Japan, Ltd.) Vice President
Frederic Lucron (Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk) Vice President/Treasurer
Kazuma Kato (Kamiyacho International Law Office) Secretary-General
Jo Anseeuw (Materialise Japan)
Jean-Pierre Bernardino (Puratos Japan Co., Ltd.)
Jerome Chouchan (Orchid Inc. (Godiva Japan Inc.))
Abdel el Madrari (Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation)
Hironori Kato (Barco Co., Ltd.)
Maxim Luxen (Port Cities Japan)
Sandrine Monette (Lemon Boost)
Guillaume Nicolas (Kyoto University)
Laurent Swinnen (Industrial Partnership Promotion Office)
Bernard de le Court (Avimex S.A.)
Hidenori Tsutsui (Belgo-Luxembourg Market Council)
Yuriko Matsuno (Luxembourg Investment & Trade Office)
Julie Van der Linden (Embassy of Belgium)
Dirk De Ruyver (Flanders Investment & Trade)
Yuka Morita (Wallonia Export-Investment Agency)
William Delsemme (hub.brussels)
Sophie BocklandtGeneral Manager
Mayo MotokiExecutive Assistant
The Board of Directors meets monthly and decides on all important matters. For each of the Chamber activities the Board nominates specific Directors to delegate responsibility for execution. This system enhances the Chamber’s capacity for activities and enables adequate and quick action in organizing events.