Belgian shop @ BBW Shinjuku
- This event has passed.
2-6-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku

At the Belgian Beer Weekend in Shinjuku, the BLCCJ – with support of the BLMC – is delighted to present also this year a festive “Belgian shop”. Immerse yourself in the Christmas spirit as we sell delightful holiday treats from BLCCJ member companies Godiva Japan, Rosen (Manneken waffles), Americo (Jules Destrooper cookies) and Grand-Place.
The shop will be managed by the BLCCJ office staff, so please drop by when you visit the event!
Next to our shop you can also find the Belgian beer shop operated by BLCCJ member company Konishi Brewing.
Event details:
Shinjuku Sumitomo Building Sankaku Hiroba
12.6 (Wed.) – 12.10 (Sun.)
weekdays 16:00 – 22:00
Saturday 11:00 – 21:00
Sunday 11:00 – 20:00
Besides at the Belgian shop we also hope to see you all at the BLCCJ bonenkai beer gathering on Thursday 7 December from 19:00!
Come visit BBW Shinjuku for great Belgian beers and food, a fun Christmas vibe and now also tasty omiyage goods!
The Belgian shop in Shinjuku has the support of ITIC (The Foundation for International Trade and Industrial Co-operation), the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Flanders Investment & Trade, hub.brussels and the Walloon Export-Investment Agency.