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Nippon Export Award 2024-2025

August 30 @ 6:00 pm
Admission: Free
Open To: Everyone
NEA 2024-2025 outline
NEA 2024-2025 questionnaire

The BLCCJ is launching the 12th edition of its Nippon Export Award (NEA)!

The NEA is an initiative of the BLCCJ to reward those SMEs or large companies that have made significant achievements in exporting to Japan, importing into Japan, or distributing within Japan, Belgian-Luxembourg products or services.


The winning company will receive an award, will be allowed to mention “Winner of the Nippon Export Award 2024-2025” on their materials, and will be granted use of the NEA logo.

The winner will also benefit from:
-The possibility to invite guests/business contacts to the award ceremony
Media attention: local media are invited to the award ceremony and encouraged to write articles on the NEA and its recipient
Special feature coverage on the BLCCJ website and social media

Previous winner in 2022 was software company AppTweak Japan (HQ in Brussels).


If you want to try your chance this year, please fill out the attached questionnaire, and send us a presentation of your company.
The application deadline is Friday 30 August 2024.

You can find more details in the attached outline and on the website.


If you know other Belgian/Luxembourg or Japanese companies that are eligible for participation in the NEA competition, please do not hesitate to circulate the information to them. This competition is open to BLCCJ members and non-members.


May the best one win!