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Visit to “One Barco Open House 2022”

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June 28, 2022 @ 12:00 am
Invitation letter

The BLCCJ is gladly inviting you to a company visit:
“Invitation to One Barco Open House 2022”


BLCCJ flagship member Barco Japan will be organizing an Open House where they will be showcasing and demonstrating their primary products, including new products exhibited at ISE 2022 in Barcelona last month. They gladly invite the BLCCJ members to a special dedicated visit.
You can find more details in the attached invitation letter of Barco Japan President Hironori Kato.


After the visit and presentations there will be a networking moment over some Belgian beers.


Day: Tuesday 28 June
Time: 16:00-18:00
Location: Barco Tokyo Office 1F Visitor Center
Limited to 30 persons.
Free of charge

To register, please send an email to by Monday 27 June 17:00 and we will confirm your registration. Seats are limited to 30, first-come first-serve.


We hope to welcome many of you at this exciting visit!