JETRO survey on the impact of COVID-19
The following information reached us through the European Business Council (EBC):
Thank you very much for your continued cooperation with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).
We would like to conduct an out-of-cycle, short survey in order to understand the impacts of the expansion of the COVID-19 on business operations of foreign-affiliated companies so we can better meet companies’ needs.
We will reflect your answers to our service and to our policy proposal to the government as well as share the results of this survey with you once the results become available on JETRO’s website.
We appreciate it if you could take time to complete the survey at
Please submit the survey by April 10th (Friday), 2020.
Any personal information (your company name, contact information, etc.) will not be disclosed to third parties or other users.
We earnestly want to reflect voices of as many foreign affiliates as possible. We would express our deepest appreciation for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Mio Kawada
Director-General, Invest Japan Department
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)[Inquiry for this survey]
Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO)
Invest Japan Promotion Division, Invest Japan Department
Nagasaki (Mr.), Usui (Mr.)
Phone: 03-3582-5571
E-Mail: jaa-research@jetro.go. jp
Mio Kawada
Director-General, Invest Japan Department
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)[Inquiry for this survey]
Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO)
Invest Japan Promotion Division, Invest Japan Department
Nagasaki (Mr.), Usui (Mr.)
Phone: 03-3582-5571
E-Mail: jaa-research@jetro.go.