BLCCJ General Assembly 2020
On Thursday 10 December 2020 the BLCCJ held its annual General Assembly at the Natixis Japan Securities office. Activities and accounting for 2020, and activity calendar and budget for 2021 were unanimously approved by the attending members (incl. proxies).
The Board of Directors 2020 continues for one more year, till 31 December 2021:
President: Mr. Fabrice Tilot, President Triple-A Management Co., Ltd
Vice-President: Mr. Jan De Bock, Managing Partner, Trainspot K.K.
Treasurer: Mr. Frederic Lucron, General Manager, Hilton Osaka
Secretary General: Mr. Kevin Dethoor, Computer Vision Engineer, FunLife Inc.
Director: Mr. Jo Anseeuw, Managing Director, Materialise Japan K.K.
Director: Mr. Jean-Pierre Bernardino, President and Representative Director, Puratos Japan Co., Ltd
Director: Mr. Jérôme Chouchan, CEO, Godiva Japan, South Korea, Australia/New Zealand and Manufacture Belge de Chocolats
Director: Mr. Laurent Depus, President and Representative Director, Natixis Japan Securities Co., Ltd.
Director: Mr. Christopher Gilot, Research Department, Technova Inc.
Director: Mr. Kazumasa Imoto, President, Solvay Japan, Ltd.
Director: Mr. Hironori Kato, Representative Director Barco Japan, Barco Co., Ltd.
Director: Mrs. Els Verhulst, President, E.L. Consulting & Trading K.K.