Newsletter December 16
Thank you to those who joined our AGM last week or sent in their proxies. The current Board of Directors will continue until 31 December 2021. You can read more details on our website.
Let us take this opportunity to remind you of our online directory (please keep your profile updated!) and our LinkedIn group for discussions, exchange of ideas with other BLCCJ members.
Next on our agenda is the Inter-chamber Ski and Snowboard Networking Retreat, on 30 January 2021 at the Lotte Arai Resort, Niigata.
If circumstances allow, we might do a late New Year party at Le Petit Tonneau in February – this will be confirmed mid-January.
On December 10, the EBC, together with the Canadian and American Chambers of Commerce, issued the statement “Foreign Chambers Urge Prime Minister Suga to Engage with Foreign National Residents of Japan”. You can read the full text here.
Also some cultural information:
-100 years ago the Olympics were held in Antwerp. The exhibition “One Hundred Years from the 1920 Antwerp Olympics Striving for Restoration and Rebirth” is now on display at the Japan Olympic Museum until the end of February 2021.
-With “The Stay at Home Museum” initiative you can virtually visit several Belgian art museums from the comfort of your home.
Finally, here are a few news headlines of the past days:
-Japan exports slip in November despite uptick in trade with China (Japan Today, Dec. 16)
-Japan OKs extra budget to spend record 175 trillion yen in FY 2020 amid COVID (Kyodo News, Dec. 15)
-Japan to halt travel program over New Year holidays amid virus surge (Kyodo News, Dec. 15)
-Japan to expand compensation for businesses over travel subsidy halt (Kyodo News, Dec. 15)
-Governors ask bars, restaurants to slash hours going into 2021 (The Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 15)
-Bankruptcies of eateries to hit all-time high in 2020 amid pandemic (Kyodo News, Dec. 12)
-90% of Japanese firms forgo year-end, New Year parties due to virus (Kyodo News, Dec. 13)
-‘Consultations about anything’: Tokyo event to assist those in dire straits amid pandemic (Mainichi Japan, Dec. 14)
-Singapore to open for business travelers and house them in bubble (The Japan Times, Dec. 15)
-ANA launches flight to Shenzhen, first new route since pandemic (The Japan Times, Dec. 14)
-As pandemic spurs a tidying frenzy, Japan’s secondhand goods market booms (The Japan Times, Dec. 14)
-Kanji used in “3Cs” slogan picked to symbolize Japan’s 2020 amid pandemic (Kyodo News, Dec. 14)
-Emperor to send video message to public at start of the new year (The Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 11)
Take very good care of yourselves during the upcoming holiday season!
The BLCCJ office