Sustainable Technology Day on 17 February
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The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation would like to invite the BLCCJ members to an upcoming event, the Sustainable Technology Day, organised by the Centre and UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo (UNIDO ITPO Tokyo) on 17 February 2023 online and at the Delegation of the European Union to Japan.
The aim of the event will be to connect EU companies with Japanese companies for sustainable projects in Africa.
There will be a pitching session showcasing innovative Japanese technologies in the fields of energy, environment, water, agribusiness and telecommunications.
It will be followed by individual meetings with the speakers and a networking reception for on-site participants.
During this event, the Japanese companies pitching their sustainable technologies would like to meet European companies interested in cooperation in Africa.
Event name: Sustainable Technology Day
Date: 17 February 2023
Time: 8:00 – 9:30 (CET) / 10:00 – 11:30 (EAT) / 16:00 – 17:30 (JST) – followed by individual meetings with the speakers and a networking reception until 19:00 for on-site participants
Venue: Hybrid – online on Zoom and on-site at the Delegation of the European Union to Japan, Europa House, 4-6-28 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047
Participation: free of charge
Registration for online attendance (Zoom):
Registration for on-site attendance (Tokyo – limited number of seats):
More info:
The aim will be to connect European companies with Japanese companies for sustainable projects in Africa.
The event will include a pitching session showcasing innovative Japanese technologies in the fields of energy, environment, water, agribusiness and telecommunications.
It will be followed by individual meetings with the speakers and a networking reception for on-site participants.
In case of online participation, the EU-Japan Centre can help online attendees get in touch with the speakers after the event (conditions apply).
Pitching line-up:
– AGC Inc.: highly durable and high light transmission fluoropolymer film for greenhouse
– Biomass Resin Holdings Co., Ltd.: biodegradable and non-biodegradable biomass plastic compound made of rice
– Mebiol Inc.: hydro-gel film for reduced water farming, event in barren lands
– NEC Corporation: hybrid storage solution for optimizing renewable energy in the telecommunication field
– TBM Co., Ltd.: alternative plastic and paper material: LIMEX
– Yamaha Motor Co.: water purification system using sand filtration and solar PV for drinking water in rural areas
Organised by:
– EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation –
– UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo (UNIDO ITPO Tokyo) –
Florence Arnu
Senior Coordinator
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Tel: (+81) 03-6408-0281