Webinar + links to support + news COVID-19 (April 14)
We want to invite you to join our first webinar on Thursday 14:00-15:00. Our speaker will address the legal challenges faced by SMEs in Japan, and briefly touch on what assistance is being offered by the government (presentation in English). Just send us an email and we will add you to the list (members only).
We realize many of you are facing a very hard time.
So let us share once again some links to support from the government (mostly in Japanese):
-Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry – Support Measures for Companies Concerning the Impacts of the Novel Coronavirus Disease in Japanese and English
-Updates from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japanese and English
–Tokyo Metropolitan Government:
- Policy-based directed credits against COVID-19 (Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs)
- Small and medium-sized enterprises employees loans (Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs Employment Division)
- Subsidies for business continuity measures (telecommuting) (Tokyo Foundation for Employment Services)
- Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center
–The French Chamber of Commerce (CCI France Japon) has also been compiling information regarding COVID-19 (mainly in French)
Finally, please find here below a few headlines from the past days:
-Japan retailers brace for tough year as virus hits consumption hard (April 14, Kyodo News)
-List of shops closed in Tokyo following emergency declaration (April 13, Kyodo News)
-Abe seeking 70% cut in commuter traffic in Tokyo, urban centers (April 12, The Asahi Shimbun)
-Wearing face masks, many go to work despite Abe’s call for telework (April 13, Kyodo News)
-Osaka, Fukuoka call on businesses to shut down to help fight pandemic (April 13, The Japan Times)
-Hokkaido declares new state of emergency amid ‘second wave’ of coronavirus infections (April 13, The Japan Times)
Please stay healthy and safe!
The BLCCJ office