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Women in Business in Japan

Dear members and friends, The BLCCJ is gladly inviting you to a next webinar: “Women in Business in Japan”   Nearly two decades ago, Japan set a goal of having women occupy 30% of management posts by 2020. However, the ratio remains […]

June Beer Gathering

After a long hiatus we are very happy to inform you that we are relaunching our monthly beer gatherings! The June Beer Gathering will be held on Monday 20 June. We will be going back to Belgian Brasserie Court ANTWERP PORT.   The […]

BLEU 100th anniversary celebration

On June 14th, 25 BLCCJ flagship and corporate members were invited to a dinner to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU). BLEU was founded in 1921 and remains a firm and close cooperation today. Our gratitude goes […]

Newsletter June 8

The rainy season is upon us, but this doesn’t stop us from planning more events, with a mix of live and online.   UPCOMING EVENTS: –June beer gathering: Monday 20 June, from 19:00 @ BBC Antwerp Port   –Webinar “Women in […]

Belgian Beer and Food Academy in Tokyo

We are happy to announce that the Belgian Beer and Food Academy will be returning to Tokyo after 3 years!We will serve a unique combination of Belgian food and beers which you will not be able to taste anywhere else. This event is […]

USEFUL LINKS COVID-19 (updated as of June 6, 2022)

Updates on the situation in JAPAN: -Daily updates from Japanese news agency Kyodo News in Japanese and English -Prime Minister’s Office of Japan in Japanese and English -Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japanese and English METI’s Support Measures for Companies Concerning the Impacts of […]

Hydrogen Seminar

ABOUT THE EVENT Hydrogen is enjoying unprecedented momentum as the world is starting to transition away from fossil fuels in an effort to reach net zero by 2050. Japan has been a hydrogen frontrunner and made H2 a key element […]

Annual Golf Tournament with French and Swiss Chambers – FULL!

The BLCCJ is pleased to announce that its 16th Joint Chamber Golf Tournament with the French and Swiss Chambers of Commerce will take place on Friday 27 May at the prestigious Tomisato Golf Club in Chiba.This golf tournament is kindly supported by en world.   Many of […]

Newsletter May 25

We hope you are enjoying the sunny weather that has been warming the days in Tokyo. A perfect setting to think of nice events!   UPCOMING BLCCJ EVENTS: -We are happy to announce that we are relaunching our monthly beer gatherings! In […]

Belgian shop @ BBW 2022 Yokohama

Belgian Beer Weekend 2022 Yokohama is coming up very soon! “Belgian Beer Weekend” is Japan’s finest beer event, returning to Yokohama after 3 years with 80 different Belgian beers. The event is not only about the best beer, but also about […]

Newsletter May 12

We hope you enjoyed a relaxing Golden Week, and are re-energized for a busy spring/summer season.   This year we are relaunching the Nippon Export Award (NEA)! Has your SME or large company made significant achievements in exporting to Japan, importing […]

Early Summer Party

The first months of 2022 have been challenging, but let us finally celebrate together and in-person the arrival of early summer and better times to come! Join us on Tuesday 10 May 2022, from 18:30 onwards, at Le Petit Tonneau in Toranomon.   We will start with a […]

Golden Week holiday April 29 – May 5

With the Japanese Golden Week holiday we are taking a break from April 29 till May 5. We will be back at your service on Friday May 6.   In the meantime don’t forget to sign up for our Early […]

Pfizer’s Pandemic Breakthrough

Dear members, Herewith we would like to invite to our next high-caliber speaker event in the framework of the BeLuxEur Chambers in Asia, this time hosted by our colleagues of BeLuxCham Malaysia.   Keynote speaker will be Mr. Karel Van De Sompel, Country Manager and […]

Newsletter April 20

We hope you could enjoy some sakura and Easter vibes, and the warmer weather that comes with it. For us it is the occasion to plan live events again!   UPCOMING BLCCJ EVENTS: –ONLINE talk with CEO Pfizer Belgium-Luxembourg Karl […]

Update on trade between Belgium/Luxembourg and Japan – the impact of COVID-19

Dear members and friends, We gladly invite you to our first Japanese webinar. “Update on trade between Belgium/Luxembourg and Japan – the impact of COVID-19”    During this webinar we will hear about trade between Belgium, Luxembourg and Japan and go deeper into the EU-Japan […]

Webinar with BNP Paribas Fortis – It’s a new world

At one of our first webinars 2 years ago, Mr. Koen De Leus, Chief Economist at BNP Paribas Fortis (Belgium), then presented us his economic outlook with the corona crisis just in its beginning phase. On 12 April Mr. De Leus will return to share […]

Belgian shop @ BBW 2022 Yokohama – looking for products

Now that the quasi-state-of-emergency has been lifted, we are hopeful that soon Belgian Beer Weekend 2022 can be launched, with stops this year in Nagoya, Osaka, Yokohama, Hibiya, Toyosu and Shinjuku. As in the past, the BLCCJ will be present at Belgian Beer Weekend […]

Newsletter April 6

It is the time of whirlwinds of sakura petals and the start of a new Japanese fiscal year – time to get ready for a busy event season!   UPCOMING BLCCJ EVENTS: –“It’s a new world”, talk with BNP Paribas […]

JMEC survey on parents’ school choice

Dear members,   As you know, the BLCCJ is one of 18 foreign Chambers of Commerce in Japan supporting the JMEC business training program. JMEC is on this occasion kindly asking JMEC Chamber members for help by answering a short […]

Promote your products and services at the largest pop-culture events in Europe

FACTS is the leading Benelux comic con event that brings a big audience of movies, series, gaming, and other pop culture fans close to world-famous stars and to their favourite pastimes, merch and fictional worlds. FACTS acts as a meeting ground […]

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