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Asian BeLux Chambers Strategic Networking

We warmly invite you to join businesspeople from across 15 BeLux Chambers in Asia for a one of a kind Strategic Networking Virtual Event.This networking event will happen using the Conversation Starter platform. As a bonus you can enjoy a […]

Meet the BLCCJ Members

Dear members,   We are happy to invite you to the next: “Meet the BLCCJ Members”   At this online meet-and-greet 4 individual members will present themselves and their company: Kevin Dethoor – FunLife, Guillaume Hennequin- ABeam Consulting Japan, Philip Olivier – Total Japan, […]

Newsletter August 23

We hope you had an enjoyable o-bon holiday.   BLCCJ EVENTS: At the BLCCJ office we are gearing up for a busy event season! Besides continued work on a new website, we are preparing the following events:   –Online Asian BeLux […]

BLCCJ office closed for O-bon holiday (Aug. 11-16)

The BLCCJ office will be closed for the Japanese O-bon holiday from Thursday 11 August till Tuesday 16 August. We will be back at work on Wednesday 17 August.

Meet the BLCCJ Members

We are happy to invite you to a next edition of our: “Meet the BLCCJ Members”   At this online meet-and-greet 4 BLCCJ members will present themselves and their company: Len Vrijders and Taro Yamazaki, both working for Sofico Services Japan; new member […]

Newsletter August 3

We hope you are keeping well in this excruciating Japanese summer heat. The perfect occasion to go grab a nice cold Belgian beer at Belgian Beer Weekend (BBW) Hibiya! We hope to welcome many of you at our summer beer gathering, tomorrow […]

Summer Beer Gathering @ BBW Hibiya

On 29 July Belgian Beer Weekend will kick off in Hibiya Park! HIBIYA PARK 7.29 (Fri.) – 8.7 (Sun.) weekdays 16:00 – 21:00 weekend, holidays 11:00 – 21:00   The BLCCJ will be holding a summer beer gathering on […]

Power Harassment in Japan – what is it and how to avoid it

The BLCCJ is inviting you to a next webinar: “Power Harassment in Japan – what is it and how to avoid it”   In Japan, power harassment has become a serious problem throughout the country. In May 2019, a law called the “Power […]

Newsletter July 14

CONDOLENCES: The BLCCJ is deeply saddened by the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on July 8th, and wishes to convey its sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues, and to the people of Japan.   BLCCJ EVENTS: At the […]

Joint Chamber Summer Cocktail 2022 – SOLD OUT!

The must-attend Summer Cocktail networking event is here! On 13 July, 7 European chambers incl. BLCCJ will join in an evening of networking, a fantastic opportunity for members and friends of the participating chambers to meet new people and enjoy the moment. […]

Privacy Policy

Website usage terms and conditions Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which govern the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber […]

Digitalization of Business Documents and the Law – Amendment to the Act on Keeping of Electronic Tax-Related Books

Dear members, We gladly invite you to our second Japanese webinar. This time we will talk about the amendment to the Act on Keeping of Electronic Tax-Related Books: “Digitalization of Business Documents and the Law – Amendment to the Act on Keeping […]

ICT Spring International Business Meetings by b2fair, Luxembourg, 30 June – 1 July

We take great pleasure in informing you about the 7th edition of the ICT Spring International Business Meetings by b2fair® that will be organised on June 30 & July 1, 2022 by the Enterprise Europe Network of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg, in […]

Visit to “One Barco Open House 2022”

The BLCCJ is gladly inviting you to a company visit: “Invitation to One Barco Open House 2022”   BLCCJ flagship member Barco Japan will be organizing an Open House where they will be showcasing and demonstrating their primary products, including new products exhibited at ISE 2022 in […]

Newsletter June 22

It is now officially summer, a perfect time to slow down a little and enjoy some nice events!   UPCOMING BLCCJ EVENTS: –Visit to “One Barco Open House”: Tuesday 28 June, 16:00-18:00 After the presentations and demonstrations, there will be a […]

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