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Summary of webinar on Exit/Inheritance/Gift Tax updates

We gladly share here a summary of the webinar “The Only Certainty in Uncertain Times: Death and Taxes – Japan gift/inheritance and Japan Exit Tax Updates” we did with PwC on June 22.   Japan Exit Tax: On March 31, 2015, […]

Newsletter July 1

Before you might take some summer holidays, let us inform you of 3 save-the-date activities in fall: –Joint golf tournament with the French and Swiss Chambers: Wednesday 28 October @ Tomisato GC – we are accepting applications and sponsorship now -Annual BLCCJ Gala Ball: […]

Newsletter June 25

For the moment most organisations incl. BLCCJ are still focusing on online activities. -In this regard we would like to inform you of upcoming EU-Japan webinars on COVID-19 organized by the EU Delegation to Japan and the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation.   -On Monday 22 […]

WEBINAR: The Only Certainty in Uncertain Times: Death and Taxes – Japan gift/inheritance and Japan Exit Tax Updates

Dear members,   We hereby invite you to a next WEBINAR, this time in cooperation with PwC Japan: “The Only Certainty in Uncertain Times: Death and Taxes – Japan gift/inheritance and Japan Exit Tax Updates”   Given the current global pandemic […]

Webinars + member news + COVID-19 news (June 18)

We’d like to start this newsletter by informing you of upcoming webinars: 1) Webinar organized by the European Business Council (EBC): “Impacts on Businesses caused by the Limitations on Re-Entering Japan for Non-Japanese Citizens”: June 19, 17:00-18:30   2) Upcoming EU-Japan webinars on COVID-19, […]

Enjoy the Champ de Soleil flavor at home!!

You can now easily enjoy the Champ de Soleil restaurant flavor at your own home!!   Simply place your order from the below list, and the frozen dishes will be delivered to your home. ◎Beef cheek stew simmered in Belgian […]

Newsletter June 12

-Next on our activity agenda is the webinar “The Only Certainty in Uncertain Times: Death and Taxes – Japan gift/inheritance and Japan Exit Tax Updates” – in cooperation with PwC: June 22, 12:00-13:00. The announcement will go out soon.   -For those […]

Balancing Home Office with Office Work

Slowly but steadily business life is returning to a new normal and questions how to strike the right balance between telework, social distancing and regular office work arise. The latest newsflash of the ARQIS Foreign Law Office addresses questions related […]

WEBINAR – Recent amendments in Japanese labor law

Dear members,   We hereby invite you to our next WEBINAR: “Recent amendments in Japanese labor law”   As part of the so-called “Work Style Reform Legislation”, two amendments were passed in 2018 and 2019. They attempt to address the […]

WEBINAR – Working together virtually: challenges & opportunities

Dear members,   We gladly inform you of our next WEBINAR: “Working together virtually: challenges & opportunities”   The Covid pandemic has boosted virtual working. And even in the post-Covid era, it’s highly likely that working together virtually is “here to stay”. […]

Passing away of Mr. Hiyane – Edelweiss

Mr. Tsuyoshi Hiyane, Chairman of Edelweiss, the company representing 7 high-level western confectionary brands incl. Belgian chocolate brand “Wittamer”, passed away on June 4th. Edelweiss has been a longtime corporate member of the BLCCJ.   In 1990 Mr. Hiyane brought […]

Webinars + promotions + news COVID-19 (June 5)

While we wrap up our first week back in the office, let us share some news with you.   You can still sign up for next week’s WEBINARS: –Webinar on Virtual Meetings: Tuesday 9 June, 15:00-16:00 –Webinar on Labor Law amendments: […]

Back to office + webinars + job offer + news COVID-19 (May 28)

From Monday 1 June we will open our office again based on a rotating system – only 1 staff will be present. Opening hours will be 10:00-16:00, but of course we stay reachable earlier and later through email.   While we slowly […]

WEBINAR with Deloitte: Managing through the maelstrom: COVID-19 – a health and economic crisis

Dear members,   Our next WEBINAR will be a joint effort with Deloitte Japan and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Japan:   “Managing through the maelstrom: COVID-19 – a health and economic crisis”   What started as a health crisis […]

Newsletter May 25

Don’t forget to sign up for our online beer gathering tonight from 18:30 till 19:30. Just send us an email and we’ll send you the Zoom invitation link. On Friday we will have our next webinar “Managing through the maelstrom: COVID-19 – a health and economic crisis”, […]

ONLINE Beer Gathering

Dear members,   While Tokyo is still under a state-of-emergency, we hereby invite you to our second ONLINE BEER GATHERING! Join us with a beer in the hand for a casual catching up with other members of the BLCCJ!   EVENT […]

Member news + news COVID-19 (May 21)

In this newsletter we would like to focus on a few initiatives of member companies: -Flagship member Puratos launched the Cacao-Trace programme, a sustainable cocoa sourcing programme. What sets our sustainable cocoa sourcing programme apart, is that our main focus is on taste and […]

WEBINAR with the 2 Ambassadors

Dear members,   The BLCCJ is honored to invite you to a webinar with Belgian Ambassador Roxane de Bilderling and Luxembourg Ambassador Pierre Ferring. Both Ambassadors will give a short overview of what is happening in Belgium and Luxembourg, and how […]

Belgian shop @ BBW 2020 Yokohama – CANCELED

Soon Belgian Beer Weekend 2020 will take a start, with stops this year in Nagoya (23 April – 6 May), Yokohama (21-24 May), Osaka (3-7 June), Hibiya (25-28 June), and finally Tokyo (17-22 September).   The BLCCJ will again […]

Webinars + member news + news COVID-19 (May 19)

Thank you for your continued interest in our webinars! Yesterday we held our first Inter-Chamber webinar with Singapore, Vietnam and Shanghai for which we gathered 100 participants (30 from BLCCJ). At our next webinar on Thursday we’ll hear from our 2 Ambassadors – […]

Inter-Chamber WEBINAR: COVID-19, from the Lockdown to the Opening

Dear members,   The BLCCJ – together with the Singapore, Shanghai and Vietnam BeLux Chambers of Commerce – has the pleasure to invite you to our first joint webinar:   “COVID-19, from the Lockdown to the Opening”   Some of us are still […]